--Global Styles--

Text Style

This is Headline H1

This is Headline H2

This is Headline H3

This is Headline H4

Runing Head

Large Paragraph. Want to learn more? Need help with sizing. We offer complimentary Styling Appointments in person or virtually with our in-house stylist Carl Abad.

Medium Paragraph. Want to learn more? Need help with sizing. We offer complimentary Styling Appointments in person or virtually with our in-house stylist Carl Abad.

Small Paragraph. Want to learn more? Need help with sizing. We offer complimentary Styling Appointments in person or virtually with our in-house stylist Carl Abad.

Small Paragraph Mono. Want to learn more? Need help with sizing. We offer complimentary Styling Appointments in person or virtually with our in-house stylist Carl Abad.


Desktop Grid

12 columns

0 gutter

stretch full width

80px / 5.556vw margins left/right

Mobile Grid

6 columns

0 gutter

stretch full width

24px / 1.667vw margins left/right


Desktop Grid

12 columns

0 gutter

stretch full width

80px / 5.556vw margins left/right

Mobile Grid

6 columns

0 gutter

stretch full width

24px / 1.667vw margins left/right

Colour Styles

Ocean Teal$color-ocean-teal
Light Pink$color-light-pink
Blush Pink$color-blush-pink